New Eye Test Detects earliest Signs of Glaucoma

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A patient’s retina showing hyperfluorescent signals – each white spot is single 'sick' retinal nerve cell

Credit: UCL/Western Eye Hospital A patient’s retina showing hyperfluorescent signals – each white spot is a single ‘sick’ retinal nerve cell.

A simple, inexpensive diagnostic tool DARC (Detection of Apoptosing Retinal Cells) has been developed. In clinical trials it allowed for the first time visualization of individual nerve cell death in patients with glaucoma. Early detection means doctors can start treatments before sight loss begins. Ongoing trials are investigating the potential of the test for other neurodegenerative conditions.

Glaucoma affects 60 million people in the world, with 1 in 10 suffering total sight loss in both eyes. Early detection means doctors can start treatments before sight loss begins. The test also has potential for early diagnosis of other degenerative neurological conditions, including Parkinson’s, Alzheimer’s and multiple sclerosis.

Loss of sight in patients with glaucoma is caused by the death of cells in the retina at the back of the eye, called apoptosis. As with other neurodegenerative conditions, more and more nerve cells are lost as the disease progresses. Professor Philip Bloom added: “Treatment is much more successful when it is begun in early stages of the disease, when sight loss is minimal. Our developments mean we could diagnose patients 10 years earlier than was previously possible.”

DARC uses a specially developed fluorescent marker which attaches to cell proteins when injected into patients. Sick cells appear as white fluorescent spots during eye examination. The examination uses equipment used during routine hospital eye examinations. Researchers hope that eventually it may be possible for opticians to do the tests, enabling even earlier detection of the disease.

Initial clinical trials were carried out on a small number of glaucoma patients and compared with tests on healthy people. The initial clinical trials established the safety of the test for patients. Further studies will now be carried out to into DARC and how it can be used not only to diagnose and treat glaucoma patients but also for other neurodegenerative conditions.