NASA Aeronautics Combines Past, Present and Future in 2015: celebrating a century of innovation

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The Boeing ecoDemonstrator 757 flight test airplane, makes a final approach to King County Field in Seattle, WA.

Two experiments that could reduce aviation’s impact on the environment flew aboard the Boeing ecoDemonstrator 757 flight test aircraft in 2015. Credits: Boeing / John D. Parker

Did you know NASA is with you when you fly? Here’s their 2015 aeronautics innovations incl. making air travel more fuel efficient, less harmful to the environment and much quieter, all the while enabling the skies to safely handle unprecedented growth in global air traffic that will increasingly include unmanned aircraft systems.

Within NASA, this work – in labs, workshops and wind tunnels throughout the nation, often in partnership with other federal agencies, industry and academia – is managed in D.C. by Aeronautics Research Mission Directorate, ARMD. Here is a sampling of just some of the research and activities tied to ARMD that took place during the past year:

Work by NACA engineers led to fundamental advances in aeronautics that enabled victory in WWII, spawned the world’s leading civil aviation manufacturing industry, propelled supersonic flight, supported national security during the Cold War, and laid the foundation for modern air travel and the space age when the NACA became NASA in 1958.

On March 3, 2015, hundreds gathered at the Air & Space Museum in DC, to celebrate 100 years since the founding of the NACA.

Aviation enthusiasts gathered at the National Air & Space Museum in Washington, D.C., to celebrate 100 years since the founding of the NACA. Credits: NASA / Joel A. Kowsky

NASA’s Environmentally Responsible Aviation (ERA) project concluded its final year after successfully completing eight Integrated Technology Demonstrations with the goal of making it possible for industry to build advanced, ultra-efficient commercial vehicles. Two of these demonstrations took place during 2015 aboard Boeing’s ecoDemonstrator 757 flying laboratory. The first studied whether small jets embedded in an aircraft’s vertical tail to blow air over its surfaces could provide enough force to safely allow smaller tails on future aircraft designs. The second studied how good a job some special coatings did to prevent sticky bug residue from building up on the leading edge of an airplane wing, which increases drag.

NASA technicians conduct a non-destructive inspection of the keel section of the PRSEUS multi-bay box inside the COLTS.

NASA technicians inspect a keel section of the PRSEUS multi-bay box during a series of stress and loads tests. Credits: NASA Langley / David C. Bowman

Another ERA technology demonstration that wrapped up during 2015 involved a concept called PRSEUS, “Pultruded Rod Stitched Efficient Unitized Structure” that stitches together lightweight composite, or non-metallic, materials to create damage-tolerant structures that could be used in uniquely shaped future aircraft. A test section 30 feet long, eight feet wide and 14 feet high was put through a torture test and passed with flying colors.

Imagine an electrically-propelled airliner whose fuselage is the battery. How about an Unmanned Aerial Vehicle equipped with artificial intelligence programmed to respond to unforeseen situations the same way a human pilot would? Those are among the 6 concepts recently selected for study during the next two years or so as part of an imaginative venture begun in 2015 under ARMD’s new Convergent Aeronautics Solutions project. The hope is that these creative ideas will help crack tomorrow’s biggest challenges in aviation related to fuel use, the environment, and managing global growth in air traffic.

NASA researchers will be flying a DC-8 research plane to detect ice crystal icing conditions.

Understanding the capability of radar to detect high altitude icing was the goal of a NASA flight campaign conducted in Fort Lauderdale, Florida. Credits: NASA / Peter Merlin

NASA during 2015 examined a pair of potential hazards in the air looking for ways to better detect them and reduce their effects. In one example, NASA’s DC-8 completed flights in Florida aimed at collecting data on high-altitude ice crystals for the High Ice Water Content mission. The campaign collected almost 72 hours of in-flight meteorological and radar data that could be used in future systems to alert pilots of conditions that could affect engine performance. In another, the final test of a three-phase Vehicle Integrated Propulsion Research project involved ingesting volcanic ash into an engine during a ground test, successfully testing an engine health monitoring system that could improve engine performance in the presence of that type of natural pollution

NASA’s commitment to explore the use of alternative fuels in aviation and determine not only their effects on engine operation but on the environment as well continued during 2015. ARMD shared results from its second round of Alternative Fuel Effects on Contrails and Cruise Emissions research flights, which involved flying NASA’s DC-8 as a trio of international research aircraft trailed behind. Later in 2015, NASA collaborated with the German Aerospace Center (DLR), by supplying several key instruments for the DLR’s Emissions and Climate Impacts of Alternative Aviation Fuels experiments. NASA instruments were placed about 100 feet behind a parked DLR Airbus 320 to measure jet exhaust as it burned 8 different types of standard and alternative fuels.
Image of pilot in front of several computer monitors

A test pilot operates a virtual large unmanned aircraft system, or UAS, with simulated air traffic at a NASA research ground control station during tests of a detect-and-avoid technology. Credits: NASA Ames

Preparing every aspect of the National Airspace System to accommodate Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS), commonly called “drones,” saw increasing activity in 2015 as public interest also grew. NASA successfully demonstrated a prototype Detect-and-Avoid system using NASA’s remotely piloted Ikhana aircraft, which made 11 flights over the California high desert involving more than 200 scripted encounters with approaching aircraft. Depending on the specific scenario, either Ikhana detected one or more approaching aircraft and sent an alert to its remote pilot to take action, or Ikhana itself took action on its own by flying a programmed maneuver to avoid a collision – an aviation first. In June, ARMD co-hosted a three-day UAS Traffic Management (UTM) convention where representatives from government and academia, as well as the aviation, agriculture, film and other industries, shared ideas for ways to safely use small drones at low altitudes. In late 2015, NASA completed the first of several demonstrations of tech that could be part of a traffic management system for small drones for rural operations such as agriculture, firefighting and infrastructure monitoring.

In April, NASA researchers completed initial flight testing of a radically new morphing wing technology that has the potential to save millions of dollars annually in fuel costs, reduce drag and airframe weight, and decrease noise during takeoff and landing. A total of 23 research flights were flown with experimental Adaptive Compliant Trailing Edge (ACTE) flight control surfaces that offer significant improvements over conventional flaps. The test team exceeded expectations by completing all primary and secondary objectives on schedule and within budget.