Artificial leaf? Successful Synthesis of Ammonia using Visible Light, water, and atmospheric Nitrogen

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Layout of the NH3 synthesis device bearing the Nb-SrTiO3 photoelectrode loaded with Au-NPs and a Zr/ZrOx thin film Credit: Copyright Hokkaido University

Layout of the NH3 synthesis device bearing the Nb-SrTiO3 photoelectrode loaded with Au-NPs and a Zr/ZrOx thin film Credit: Copyright Hokkaido University

By using a photoelectrode in which gold nanoparticles are loaded on an oxide semiconductor substrate, a research has worked to develop a method of artificial photosynthesis that may prove to be an excellent light energy conversion system.

– Ammonia has gained attention as a next-generation energy carrier. By combining an optical antenna structure that can concentrate light into a nano-space, and a co-catalyst that selectively adsorbs nitrogen, we have succeeded in selectively synthesizing ammonia from water and di-nitrogen under visible light irradiation. The synthesis of ammonia, which is a raw material for chemical fertilizers and chemical products, uses >% of the energy consumption of the world for its synthesis. Therefore, this method of artificial photosynthesis that efficiently uses visible light can make a great contribution to energy savings on a global scale.

Ammonia is expected to be one of the next-generation energy carriers of chemical energy because it has little danger of combustion or explosion and can be liquefied relatively easily.

In the future, by improving the reaction efficiency and widening the response wavelength band, we will work towards the commercialization of this ultimate, clean “ammonia photosynthesis,” which can generate ammonia from the visible light in sunlight, the nitrogen in the air, and water.