New Graphene-based system could help us see Electrical Signaling in Heart and Nerve cells

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Image - This diagram shows the setup for an imaging method that mapped electrical signals using a sheet of graphene and an infrared laser. The laser was fired through a prism (lower left) onto a sheet of graphene. An electrode was used to send tiny electrical signals into a liquid solution (in cylinder atop the graphene), and a camera (lower right) was used to capture images mapping out these electrical signals. (Credit: Halleh Balch and Jason Horng/Berkeley Lab and UC Berkeley)

This diagram shows the setup for an imaging method that mapped electrical signals using a sheet of graphene and an infrared laser. The laser was fired through a prism (lower left) onto a sheet of graphene. An electrode was used to send tiny electrical signals into a liquid solution (in cylinder atop the graphene), and a camera (lower right) was used to capture images mapping out these electrical signals. (Credit: Halleh Balch and Jason Horng/Berkeley Lab and UC Berkeley)

Team creates a system to visualize faint electric fields. Scientists have enlisted the exotic properties of graphene, a one-atom-thick layer of carbon, to function like the film of an incredibly sensitive camera system in visually mapping tiny electric fields in a liquid. Researchers hope the new method will allow more extensive and precise imaging of the electrical signaling networks in our hearts and brains.

The ability to visually depict the strength and motion of very faint electrical fields could also aid in the development of lab-on-a-chip devices that use very small quantities of fluids on a microchip-like platform to diagnose disease or aid in drug development, for example, or that automate a range of other biological and chemical analyses. The setup could potentially be adapted for sensing or trapping specific chemicals, too, and for studies of light-based electronics (optoelectronics).

Photo - (Credit: Halleh Balch, Jason Horng/Berkeley Lab, UC Berkeley)

CAGE system, with the graphene sample at lower right. (Credit: Halleh Balch and Jason Horng/Berkeley Lab, UC Berkeley)

“This was a completely new, innovative idea that graphene could be used as a material to sense electrical fields in a liquid,” said Jason Horng. “The basic concept was how graphene could be used as a very general and scalable method for resolving very small changes in the magnitude, position, and timing pattern of a local electric field, such as the electrical impulses produced by a single nerve cell,” said Halleh B. Balch. “One of the outstanding problems in studying a large network of cells is understanding how information propagates between them,” Balch said. Also, Cui said, “This new method does not perturb cells in any way, which is fundamentally different from existing methods that use either genetic or chemical modifications of the cell membrane.” The new platform should more easily permit single-cell measurements of electrical impulses traveling across networks containing 100 or more living cells.

In the latest study, researchers first used infrared light produced at Berkeley Lab’s Advanced Light Source to understand the effects of an electric field on graphene’s absorption of infrared light. In the experiment, they aimed an infrared laser through a prism to a thin layer called a waveguide. The waveguide was designed to precisely match graphene’s light-absorbing properties so that all of the light was absorbed along the graphene layer in the absence of an electric field.

Researchers then fired tiny electrical pulses in a liquid solution above the graphene layer that very slightly disrupted the graphene layer’s light absorption, allowing some light to escape in a way that carried a precise signature of the electrical field. Researchers captured a sequence of images of this escaping light in thousandths-of-a-second intervals, and these images provided a direct visualization of the electrical field’s strength and location along the surface of the graphene.

Animation - This animation show the appearance and dissipation of an electric field recorded using the CAGE system. The strength of the field is color-coded, with yellow showing the strongest peak and dark blue showing the weakest. (Credit: Halleh Balch and Jason Horng/Berkeley Lab and UC Berkeley)

This animation shows the appearance and dissipation of an electric field recorded using the CAGE system. The strength of the field is color-coded, with yellow showing the strongest peak and dark blue showing the weakest measure. (Credit: Halleh Balch and Jason Horng/Berkeley Lab and UC Berkeley)

The new imaging platform – dubbed CAGE for “Critically coupled waveguide-Amplified Graphene Electric field imaging device” – proved sensitive to voltages of a few microvolts (millionths of a volt). This will make it ultrasensitive to the electric fields between cells in networks of heart cells and nerve cells, which can range from tens of microvolts to a few millivolts (thousandths of a volt).

Researchers found that they could pinpoint an electric field’s location along the graphene sheet’s surface down to tens of microns (millionths of a meter), and capture its fading strength in a sequence of time steps separated by as few as 5 milliseconds, or thousandths of a second. In one sequence, researchers detailed the position and dissipation, or fade, of a local electric field generated by a 10-thousandths-of-a-volt pulse over a period of about 240 milliseconds, with sensitivity down to about 100 millionths-of-a-volt.

Balch said that there are already plans to test the platforms with living cells. “We are working with collaborators to test this with real heart cells,” she said. “There are several potential applications for this research in heart health and drug screening.” There is also potential to use other atomically thin materials besides graphene in the imaging setup, she said.

“The kind of elegance behind this system comes from its generality,” Balch said. “It can be sensitive to anything that carries charge.”