Astrophysicists catch 2 Supernovae at the moment of Explosion

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The explosive death of this star, called KSN 2011d, reaches its maximum brightness in about 14 days. The shock breakout itself lasts only about 20 minutes, so catching the flash of energy is an investigative milestone for astronomers. The unceasing gaze of NASA's Kepler space telescope allowed astronomers to see, at last, this early moment as the star blows itself to bits. Credit: NASA, ESA, Armin Rest (STScI) and Peter Garnavich (University of Notre Dame)

The explosive death of this star, called KSN 2011d, reaches its maximum brightness in about 14 days. The shock breakout itself lasts only about 20 minutes, so catching the flash of energy is an investigative milestone for astronomers. The unceasing gaze of NASA’s Kepler space telescope allowed astronomers to see, at last, this early moment as the star blows itself to bits. Credit: NASA, ESA, Armin Rest (STScI) and Peter Garnavich (University of Notre Dame)

An international team of astrophysicists led by Prof Peter Garnavich, Notre Dame, has caught 2 supernovae in the act of exploding. Using the Kepler Space Telescope, the team spent 3 years observing 50 trillion stars for the chance to watch as supersonic shockwaves reached their surfaces after explosions deep in the core. For the 1st time, a “shock breakout” in an exploding supergiant star was discovered at visible wavelengths.

Stars 10 to 20 times the mass of our sun often puff up to supergiants before ending their lives as supernovae. These stars are so large that Earth’s orbit would easily fit inside such a star. When these massive stars run out of fuel in their center, their core collapses down to a neutron star and a supersonic shockwave is sent out to blow up the entire star. When the shockwave reaches the surface of the star, a bright flash of light, called a “shock breakout,” is predicted. “The flash from a breakout should last about an hour, so you have to be very lucky or continuously stare at millions of stars just to catch one flash,” said Garnavich.

In 2011, 2 of these massive red supergiants exploded while in Kepler’s view. The first,KSN 2011a, is nearly 300 times the size of our sun and a mere 700 million light years from Earth. The second, KSN 2011d, is roughly 500 times the size of our sun and some 1.2 billion light years away. Supernovae like these – known as TypeII – begin when the internal furnace of a star runs out of nuclear fuel causing its core to collapse as gravity takes over.

Understanding the physics of these explosions allows scientists to better understand how the seeds of chemical complexity and life itself have been scattered in space and time in the Milky Way galaxy.

The Kepler Space Telescope is famous for its discoveries of extra-solar planets, some that may have the right conditions to harbor life. But Kepler can also look at galaxies beyond the Milky Way. A team of astrophysicists from Notre Dame, Maryland, Berkeley and Australia have formed the “Kepler ExtraGalactic Survey,” or KEGS, specifically to apply the power of Kepler to study galaxies and supernovae.