Category Biology/Biotechnology

Serotonin 2C Receptor Regulates Memory in Mice and Humans: Implications for Alzheimer’s Disease

Artists rendition of a brain and neuron activity in a gold color.

Researchers at Baylor College of Medicine, the University of Cambridge in the U.K. and collaborating institutions have shown that serotonin 2C receptor in the brain regulates memory in people and animal models. The findings, published in the journal Science Advances, not only provide new insights into the factors involved in healthy memory but also in conditions associated with memory loss, like Alzheimer’s disease, and suggest novel avenues for treatment.

“Serotonin, a compound produced by neurons in the midbrain, acts as a neurotransmitter, passing messages between brain cells,” said co-corresponding author Dr. Yong Xu, professor of pediatrics—nutrition and associate director for basic sciences at the USDA/ARS Children’s Nutrition Research Center at Baylor.


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New Study confirms Forever Chemicals are Absorbed through Human Skin

A study of 17 commonly used synthetic ‘forever chemicals’ has shown that these toxic substances can readily be absorbed through human skin.

New research, published today in Environment International proves for the first time that a wide range of PFAS (perfluoroalkyl substances) — chemicals which do not break down in nature – can permeate the skin barrier and reach the body’s bloodstream.

PFAS are used widely in industries and consumer products from school uniforms to personal care products because of their water and stain repellent properties. While some substances have been banned by government regulation, others are still widely used and their toxic effects have not yet been fully investigated.

PFAS are already known to enter the body through other routes, for example being...

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3D-Printed Chip Sensor Detects Foodborne Pathogens for Safer Products

The researchers created a chip with four distinct regions, capable of rapidly testing for the presence of multiple pathogens simultaneously. Credit: Feng et al.
The researchers created a chip with four distinct regions, capable of rapidly testing for the presence of multiple pathogens simultaneously. Credit: Feng et al.

Chip design can rapidly and efficiently test for multiple pathogens simultaneously, potentially reducing foodborne illness. Researchers have developed a new method for detecting foodborne pathogens that is faster, cheaper, and more effective than existing methods. Their microfluidic chip uses light to detect multiple types of pathogens simultaneously and is created using 3D printing, making it easy to fabricate in large amounts and modify to target specific pathogens. The researchers hope their technique can improve screening processes and keep contaminated food out of the hands of consumers.

Every so often, a food product i...

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Dietary Fiber found to Regulate Gut Bacteria’s use of Tryptophan, Impacting Health

Dietary fibers make our gut bacteria behave healthy
The essential amino acid tryptophan is converted in the large intestine into either beneficial or harmful substances. The research shows that tryptophan contributes to the production of the healthy substances Indole lactic acid (ILA) and Indole propionic acid (IPA) when we consume sufficient amounts of dietary fiber. However, if we do not get enough dietary fiber, tryptophan will be converted into the substance indole, which is associated with adverse health effects. The figure is created with BioRender ( by Martin Frederik Laursen. Credit: The figure is created with BioRender ( by Martin Frederik Laursen.

We get healthy dietary fiber from consuming fruits, vegetables, and whole grains...

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