Category Environment/Geology

Solar Greenhouses Generate Electricity and Grow Healthy Crops

The first crop of tomatoes and cucumbers grown inside electricity-generating solar greenhouses was as healthy and robust as those raised in conventional greenhouses, signaling that "smart" greenhouses hold great promise for farming and energy conservation.

The first crop of tomatoes and cucumbers grown inside electricity-generating solar greenhouses was as healthy and robust as those raised in conventional greenhouses, signaling that “smart” greenhouses hold great promise for farming and energy conservation.

Magenta panes also help plants save water. The first crops of tomatoes and cucumbers grown inside electricity-generating solar greenhouses were as healthy as those raised in conventional greenhouses, signaling that “smart” greenhouses hold great promise for dual-use farming and renewable electricity production...

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Mantis Shrimp-inspired Camera enables Glimpse into Hidden World

Mantis Shrimp-inspired Camera enables Glimpse into Hidden World

Mantis Shrimp-inspired Camera enables Glimpse into Hidden World

By mimicking the eye of the mantis shrimp, Illinois researchers have developed an ultra-sensitive camera capable of sensing both color and polarization. The bioinspired imager can potentially improve early cancer detection and help provide a new understanding of underwater phenomena. “The animal kingdom is full of creatures with much more sensitive and sophisticated eyes than our own,” said Viktor Gruev , a University of Illinois professor of electrical and computer engineering and co-author of the new study. “These animals perceive natural phenomena that are invisible to humans.

“Polarization of light – that is, the direction of oscillation of light as it propagates in space – is one such example...

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Breakthrough in Direct Activation of CO2 and CH4 into Liquid Fuels and Chemicals

One-Step Reforming of CO2 and CH4 into High-Value Liquid Chemicals and Fuels at Room Temperature by Plasma-Driven Catalysis. Angewandte Chemie, 2017; DOI: 10.1002/ange.201707131

One-Step Reforming of CO2 and CH4 into High-Value Liquid Chemicals and Fuels at Room Temperature by Plasma-Driven Catalysis. Angewandte Chemie, 2017; DOI: 10.1002/ange.201707131

Researchers from the University of Liverpool have made a significant breakthrough in the direct conversion of CO2 and methane (CH4) into liquid fuels and chemicals which could help industry to reduce greenhouse gas emissions whilst producing valuable chemical feedstocks. In a paper published in chemistry journal Angewandte Chemie they report a very unique plasma synthesis process for the direct, one-step activation of carbon dioxide and methane into higher value liquid fuels and chemicals (e.g...

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Devilish Source of Dust in Atmosphere of Earth and Mars

Sampling of a dust devil during field campaign ‘Morocco 2016’. The samples are still under analysis. Credit: Jan Raack/Dennis Reiss

Sampling of a dust devil during field campaign ‘Morocco 2016’. The samples are still under analysis. Credit: Jan Raack/Dennis Reiss

Swirling columns of sand and dust, known as dust devils, are a feature of desert areas on Mars and on Earth. Now, a study of terrestrial dust devils has shown that around 2/3 of the fine particles lifted by these vortices can remain suspended in the atmosphere and be transported around the globe. The findings have implications for the climate and weather of both planets and, potentially, human health here on Earth.

The study by Raack and an international team of collaborators gives important insights into the contribution of dust devils to mineral aerosols in planetary atmospheres...

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