Category Physics

Harnessing Electromagnetic Waves and Quantum Materials to Improve Wireless Communication Technologies

A team of researchers from the University of Ottawa has developed innovative methods to enhance frequency conversion of terahertz (THz) waves in graphene-based structures, unlocking new potential for faster, more efficient technologies in wireless communication and signal processing.

THz waves, located in the far-infrared region of the electromagnetic spectrum, can be used to perform non-invasive imaging through opaque materials for security and quality control applications. Additionally, these waves hold great promise for wireless communication.

Advances in THz nonlinear optics, which can be used to change the frequency of electromagnetic waves, are essential for the development of high-speed wireless communication and signal processing systems for 6G technologies and beyond.

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A New Optical Memory Platform for Super Fast Calculations

Bright colors and different shapes meant to illustrate a photonic array
Photo Credit
Brian Long
Artist’s concept illustration of a photonic memory array

For decades there has been near constant progress in reducing the size, and increasing the performance, of the circuits that power computers and smartphones. But Moore’s Law is ending as physical limitations – such as the number of transistors that can fit on a chip and the heat that results from packing them ever more densely – are slowing the rate of performance increases. Computing capacity is gradually plateauing, even as artificial intelligence, machine learning and other data-intensive applications demand ever greater computational power.

Novel technologies are needed to address this challenge...

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New AI Tool Detects Fake News with 99% Accuracy

fake news
Credit: Pixabay/CC0 Public Domain

A tool developed by Keele University researchers has been shown to help detect fake news with an impressive 99% level of accuracy, offering a vital resource in combating online misinformation

The researchers Dr. Uchenna Ani, Dr. Sangeeta Sangeeta, and Dr. Patricia Asowo-Ayobode from Keele’s School of Computer Science and Mathematics, used a number of different machine learning techniques to develop their model, which can scan news content to give a judgment of whether a news source is trustworthy and genuine or not.

The method developed by the researchers uses an “ensemble voting” technique, which combines the predictions of multiple different machine learning models to give an overall score.

Impressively, this technique was accurate in identi...

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Quantum Experiment generates Long-range Entanglement in 54-Qubit System

Leveraging Born's rule to realize the Nishimori critical state for constant-depth quantum circuits

The operation and performance of quantum computers relies on the ability to realize and control entanglement between multiple qubits. Yet entanglement between many qubits is inherently susceptible to noise and imperfections in quantum gates.

In recent years, quantum physicists and engineers worldwide have thus been trying to develop more robust protocols to realize and control entanglement. To be most effective for real-world applications, these approaches should reliably support long-range entanglement, or in other words ensure that qubits remain entangled even when they are separated by large distances.

Researchers at IBM Quantum, University of Cologne and Harvard University set out to demonstrate one of these protocols in an experimental setting.

Their paper, published in ...

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