Category Physics

New Machine Learning Algorithm Promises Advances in Computing

Scientists are working toward deploying a new of edge computing  hardware.
Scientists are working toward deploying a new class of edge computing hardware.
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Digital twin models may enhance future autonomous systems

Systems controlled by next-generation computing algorithms could give rise to better and more efficient machine learning products, a new study suggests.

Using machine learning tools to create a digital twin, or a virtual copy, of an electronic circuit that exhibits chaotic behavior, researchers found that they were successful at predicting how it would behave and using that information to control it.

Many everyday devices, like thermostats and cruise control, utilize linear controllers — which use simple rules to direct a system to a desired value...

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A New, Low-Cost, High-Efficiency Photonic Integrated Circuit

A new, low-cost, high-efficiency photonic integrated circuit

The rapid advancement in photonic integrated circuits (PICs), which combine multiple optical devices and functionalities on a single chip, has revolutionized optical communications and computing systems.

For decades, silicon-based PICs have dominated the field due to their cost-effectiveness and through their integration with existing semiconductor manufacturing technologies, despite their limitations with regard to their electro-optical modulation bandwidth. Nevertheless, silicon-on-insulator optical transceiver chips were successfully commercialized, driving information traffic through millions of glass fibers in modern data centers.

Recently, the lithium niobate-on-insulator wafer platform has emerged as a superior material for photonic integrated electro-optical modulators d...

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Research Team discovers New Property of Light

Research team discovers new property of light
Dmitry Fishman (right) and Eric Potma, both professors of chemistry at UC Irvine, made a breakthrough discovery regarding the way light interacts with solid matter in silicon. Their work could lead to improved efficiency in solar electric systems, semiconductor lasers and other advanced optoelectronic technologies. Credit: Lucas Van Wyk Joel / UC Irvine

A research team headed by chemists at the University of California, Irvine has discovered a previously unknown way in which light interacts with matter, a finding that could lead to improved solar power systems, light-emitting diodes, semiconductor lasers and other technological advancements.

In a paper published recently in the journal ACS Nano, the scientists, joined by colleagues at Russia’s Kazan Federal University, explain how t...

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Computer scientists discover Vulnerability in Cloud Server Hardware used by AMD and Intel Chips

cloud computing
Credit: Pixabay/CC0 Public Domain

Public cloud services employ special security technologies. Computer scientists at ETH Zurich have now discovered a gap in the latest security mechanisms used by AMD and Intel chips. This affects major cloud providers.

Over the past few years, hardware manufacturers have developed technologies that ought to make it possible for companies and governmental organizations to process sensitive data securely using shared cloud computing resources.

Known as confidential computing, this approach protects sensitive data while it is being processed by isolating it in an area that is impenetrable to other users and even to the cloud provider...

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