Category Physics

The World’s Smallest Impedance Spectroscopy System in the Form of a Pill

The world's smallest impedance spectroscopy system in the form of a pill
The core of the spectroscopy capsule contains the system-in-package, a flexible circuit board, and a ceramic pcb. Credit: Fraunhofer IZM

Imagine a scenario where you simply just throw a pill in a liquid to identify a problem—this is now one step closer to reality thanks to the work done by researchers at Fraunhofer IZM in cooperation with Micro Systems Technologies (MST) and Sensry GmbH. As small as a piece of candy, the waterproof IoT sensor can reliably measure the properties of liquids even in hard-to-reach places. This can make the maintenance of industrial machines much easier and even help to identify diseases.

The larger an industrial machine, the more difficult it is to troubleshoot malfunctions by detecting unwanted oil pressure deviations or even line leaks from the outs...

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Team Manages to Dynamically Control Trions with a Waveguide

Fig. 1
 Illustration of propagating SPP and exciton-to-trion conversion with dynamic optical modulation. a Schematic diagram of all-optical trion control platform operating with adaptive optical excitation. Green dashed line indicates transferred MoS2 ML. b Illustration of all-optical trion control platform facilitated by nanoscale strain gradient, plasmon-induced hot electrons, and resultant exciton-to-trion conversion. c Illustration of hot electron injection process from Au to MoS2 ML in SPP mode. d Strain (ϵ) and corresponding bandgap energy change (ΔE) diagram of MoS2 ML as function of distance x, where gray region indicates nanogap area. e Adaptive wavefront shaping using stepwise sequence feedback algorithm to find optimal phase mask (left) and dynamic excitonic emission modulation thro...
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AI Generated Content helps in 3D Brain Reconstruction

AI generated content helps in 3D brain reconstruction

Minimally invasive surgery and automated robot-guided surgery are likely to be performed under extreme conditions, which require new demands on intraoperative information acquisition capabilities. Three-dimensional (3D) brain point cloud generation plays an essential role in overcoming the visual limitations of these surgeries.

One of the applications of generative AI is in the field of 3D brain point cloud generation. By using deeplearning algorithms, the 3D point cloud of the patient’s brain can be generated for reconstruction during minimally invasive surgery. However, some conventional existing point cloud reconstruction methods still have limitations when applied directly to real surgical scenarios.

Now, a research team led by Prof...

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Robotic Proxy brings Remote Users to Life in Real Time

Mose Sakashita, a doctoral student in the field of information science, with the ReMotion robot.
Mose Sakashita, a doctoral student in the field of information science, with the ReMotion robot.

Cornell University researchers have developed a robot, called ReMotion, that occupies physical space on a remote user’s behalf, automatically mirroring the user’s movements in real time and conveying key body language that is lost in standard virtual environments.

“Pointing gestures, the perception of another’s gaze, intuitively knowing where someone’s attention is — in remote settings, we lose these nonverbal, implicit cues that are very important for carrying out design activities,” said Mose Sakashita, a doctoral student of information science.

Sakashita is the lead author of “ReMotion: Supporting Remote Collaboration in Open Space with Automatic Robotic Embodiment,” which he prese...

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