Category Technology/Electronics

Carbon Fiber Structural Battery Paves way for Light, Energy-Efficient Vehicles

World's strongest battery paves way for light, energy-efficient vehicles
Researchers at Chalmers University of Technology have succeeded in creating a battery made of carbon fiber composite that is as stiff as aluminum and energy-dense enough to be used commercially. When cars, planes, ships or computers are built from a material that functions as both a battery and a load-bearing structure, the weight and energy consumption are radically reduced. Credit: Chalmers University of Technology | Henrik Sandsjö

When cars, planes, ships or computers are built from a material that functions as both a battery and a load-bearing structure, the weight and energy consumption are radically reduced...

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Researchers develop Light-Charged Supercapacitor for Self-Powered Devices

Shining light on new supercapacitor
Photo-chargeable supercapacitor showed 3,000% rise in capacitance under light compared to the dark. A novel necking behavior is discovered upon illumination. Credit: Santilata Sahoo

Researchers at the Department of Instrumentation and Applied Physics (IAP), Indian Institute of Science (IISc) and collaborators have designed a new supercapacitor that can be charged by light shining on it. Such supercapacitors can be used in various devices, including streetlights and self-powered electronic devices such as sensors.

Capacitors are electrostatic devices that store energy as charges on two metal plates called electrodes...

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Nanostructures enable On-Chip Lightwave-Electronic Frequency Mixer

Illustration of a computer chip, with waves of different colors and frequencies appearing above, below, and across it
The demonstration of a lightwave-electronic mixer at petahertz-scale frquencies is a first step toward making communication technology faster and progresses research toward developing new, miniaturized lightwave electronic circuitry capable of handling optical signals directly at the nanoscale.
Credits:Image: Sampson Wilcox/Research Laboratory of Electronics

Imagine how a phone call works: Your voice is converted into electronic signals, shifted up to higher frequencies, transmitted over long distances, and then shifted back down so it can be heard clearly on the other end. The process enabling this shifting of signal frequencies is called frequency mixing, and it is essential for communication technologies like radio and Wi-Fi...

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AI-based Tongue Imaging could help enable Non-Invasive Detection of Coronary Artery Disease

AI-based tongue imaging could help enable non-invasive detection of coronary artery disease
The tongue diagnosis instrument and collection process. 1: lens hood, 2: LED light resource, 3: high-definition camera, 4: chin support plate. Note. Use fixed standard camera parameters when shooting: the color temperature is 5,000 k, the color rendering index is 97, the frame rate is 1/125 s, the aperture is F/6.3, the exposure indicator scale is 0 or ±1. Credit: Frontiers in Cardiovascular Medicine (2024). DOI: 10.3389/fcvm.2024.1384977

Coronary artery disease (CAD) is the most common cause of illness-based death throughout the world. According to the World Health Organization, CAD causes 17.9 million deaths per year worldwide, nearly one-third of all illness-based deaths annually.

Coronary angiography is currently the best method of confirming a CAD diagnosis, but it is ex...

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