Invention of Forge-Proof ID to Revolutionize Security

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Schematic, working principle and quantum analogue of a physically unclonable function (PUF).

Schematic, working principle and quantum analogue of a physically unclonable function (PUF).

A way to authenticate or identify any object by generating an unbreakable ID based on atoms has been discovered. The technology, which is being patented at Lancaster University and commercialised through the spin-out company Quantum Base, uses next-generation nanomaterials to enable the unique identification of any product with guaranteed security. It uses atomic-scale imperfections that are impossible to clone as they comprise the unmanipulable building blocks of matter.

Jonathan Roberts, PhD said: “The invention involves the creation of devices with unique identities on a nano-scale employing state-of-art quantum technology. Each device we’ve made is unique, 100% secure and impossible to copy or clone.”

Current authentication solutions such as anti-counterfeit tags or password-protection base their security on replication difficulty, or on secrecy, and are renowned for being insecure and relatively easy to forge. Eg current anti-counterfeiting technology such as holograms can be imitated, and passwords can be stolen, hacked and intercepted.

The ground-breaking atomic-scale devices do not require passwords, and are impervious to cloning. They can be incorporated into any material so they are an ideal candidate to replace existing authentication technologies.
“Simulating these structures requires vast computing power and is not achievable in a reasonable timescale, even with a quantum computer. When coupled with the fact that the underlying structure is unknown, unless dismantled atom-by-atom, this makes simulation extremely difficult.

The reported Q-ID device, which uses an electronic measurement with CMOS compatible technology, can easily be integrated into existing chip manufacturing processes, enabling cost effective mass-production. The new devices also have many additional features such as the ability to track-and-trace a product throuh the supply chain, and individual addressability, allowing for marketing and quality control at the point of consumption.
They can be used to identify a broad range of products, whether it is authentication of branded goods, SIM cards, important manufacturing components,

The use of inexpensive nanomaterials and their ability to be produced in large quantities has resulted in smaller, more power efficient devices that are future-proof to cloning.