Omega-3 Fatty Acids from fish oil, may aid Healing after Heart Attack

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Heart illustration with artery close up

Heart illustration with artery close up Heart graphic with magnifier on artery copyright American Heart Association

Giving heart attack patients a high dose of omega-3 fatty acids from fish oil, daily for 6 months after a heart attack improved the function of the heart and reduced scarring in the undamaged muscle, according to new research in the American Heart Association’s journal Circulation. The heart’s shape and function can be altered after a heart attack, a condition known as post-heart attack remodeling and it is linked with poor patient outcomes and could lead to heart failure. Therapies that can improve healing of the heart or prevent adverse remodeling, remain scarce.

A previous study found that omega-3 fatty acids from fish oil were associated with improved survival for heart attack patients, but the role of omega-3 fatty acids in improving the structure and tissue of the heart in patients receiving current guideline-based therapy after a heart attack was unknown.

Fish oil capsules (stock image). Credit: © tab62 / Fotolia

Fish oil capsules (stock image). Credit: © tab62 / Fotolia

In the new OMEGA-REMODEL randomized clinical trial, researchers found compared to those taking a placebo, patients taking a dose of 4 grams of omega-3 fatty acids daily for six months: experienced a 5.8% reduction in left ventricular end-systolic LVES volume index: a clinical marker that can predict patient outcome after a heart attack; and had a 5.6% reduction in a measurement of scarred connective tissue (fibrosis) formation in the non-damaged heart muscle.

Researchers said these results suggests that omega-3 fatty acids allow the heart to contract better, and also reduces the fibrosis in the region that is not damaged. The researchers also observed a reduction in biomarkers for inflammation, suggesting that omega-3 fatty acids have some anti-inflammatory properties.

The study involved 360 heart attack survivors, half were given a high dose omega-3 fatty acids and half placebo, beginning within a month of the heart attack. Because the study participants were given high doses of omega-3s in addition to their other medications, patients were under a physician’s care and observed for any potential adverse outcomes by study authors throughout the study.

The treatment was found to be safe and effective. Both groups received treatment based on guidelines issued by the American College of Cardiology Foundation and the American Heart Association. Blood tests were used to confirm that patients in the omega-3 fatty acids group were taking the treatment.