16 Cygni system (16 Cyg A and 16 Cyg B) tagged posts

Researchers Measure the Inner Structure of Distant Suns from their Pulsations

A glimpse into the heart: Artist's impression of the interior of the star, which was studied through its surface oscillations. Credit: Earl Bellinger / ESA

A glimpse into the heart: Artist’s impression of the interior of the star, which was studied through its surface oscillations. Credit: Earl Bellinger / ESA

At first glance, it would seem to be impossible to look inside a star. An international team has, for the first time, determined the deep inner structure of two stars based on their oscillations. Our sun, and most other stars, experience pulsations that spread through the star’s interior as sound waves. The frequencies of these waves are imprinted on the light of the star, and can be later seen by astronomers here on Earth.

Astronomers determine the properties of stars from their pulsations—a field called asteroseismology...

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