2 rings around Chariklo tagged posts

Solar System: New Insights into Ring system

1. Visualization constructed from simulation of Chariklo’s double ring. (Credit: Shugo Michikoshi, Eiichiro Kokubo, Hirotaka Nakayama, 4D2U Project, NAOJ) 2. Simulation of Chariklo’s ring system. Using a particle density equal to half of Chariklo’s density, the overall structure can be maintained. In the close-up view (right) complicated, elongated structures are visible. These structures are called self-gravity wakes. The numbers along the axes indicate distances in km. (Credit: Shugo Michikoshi (Kyoto Women’s University/University of Tsukuba))

1. Visualization constructed from simulation of Chariklo’s double ring.
(Credit: Shugo Michikoshi, Eiichiro Kokubo, Hirotaka Nakayama, 4D2U Project, NAOJ)
2. Simulation of Chariklo’s ring system. Using a particle density equal to half of Chariklo’s density, the overall structure can be maintained. In the close-up view (right) complicated, elongated structures are visible. These structures are called self-gravity wakes. The numbers along the axes indicate distances in km. (Credit: Shugo Michikoshi (Kyoto Women’s University/University of Tsukuba))

A team in Japan modeled the 2 rings around Chariklo, the smallest body in the Solar System known to have rings...

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Solar System: New Insights into Ring system

Visualization was constructed from simulation of Chariklo's double ring. Credit: Shugo Michikoshi, Eiichiro Kokubo, Hirotaka Nakayama, 4D2U Project, NAOJ

Visualization was constructed from simulation of Chariklo’s double ring. Credit: Shugo Michikoshi, Eiichiro Kokubo, Hirotaka Nakayama, 4D2U Project, NAOJ

A team in Japan modeled the 2 rings around Chariklo, the smallest body in the Solar System known to have rings. This is the first time an entire ring system has been simulated using realistic sizes for the ring particles while also taking into account collisions and gravitational interactions between the particles. The team’s simulation revealed information about the size and density of the particles in the rings. By considering both the detailed structure and the global picture for the first time, the team found that Chariklo’s inner ring should be unstable without help...

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