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Geminids set to Light up Winter Sky in Year’s Best Meteor Shower

A diagram showing how the meteors will appear to emanate from a radiant in the constellation of Gemini, located in the east in the evening sky. Credit: Greg Smye-Rumsby / Astronomy Now

A diagram showing how the meteors will appear to emanate from a radiant in the constellation of Gemini, located in the east in the evening sky. Credit: Greg Smye-Rumsby / Astronomy Now

From 13 to 15 Dec, weather permitting, skywatchers across the world will be looking up as the Geminid meteor shower reaches its peak, in potentially one of the best night sky events of the year. Tens of ‘shooting stars’ or meteors may be visible each hour (the theoretical maximum under ideal conditions is about 120/hr). Meteors are the result of small (mm- to cm-sized) particles entering the Earth’s atmosphere at high speed, burning up and superheating the air around them, which then shines as a characteristic short-lived streak of light...

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