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Face time: Tech Reads Facial Expressions for Autism Symptoms

Face time: ONR-sponsored tech reads facial expressions for autism symptoms

The “Autism & Beyond” app uses an iPhone’s self-facing camera to assess a child’s emotional state while viewing various stimuli. The dots are landmarks automatically placed on a video of the child by the software. Credit: Autism & Beyond

Thanks in part to support from Office of Naval Research (ONR), there’s an app that may screen for autism by reading kids’ facial expressions for emotional cues. “The long-term implications of this research are huge,” said Dr. Predrag Neskovic. “Not only could the app be used to learn more about childhood autism, it could possibly reveal signs of post-traumatic stress disorder [PTSD] and mild traumatic brain injury [TBI] in warfighters—conditions that often have subtle symptoms and are difficult to diagnose.”
The app, called “Autism & Beyond,” was develop...

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