3D microfluidic circuit element tagged posts

New 3D Nanoprinting strategy opens door to revolution in Medicine, Robotics

Engineers at the University of Maryland (UMD) have created the first 3D-printed fluid circuit element so tiny that 10 could rest on the width of a human hair. The diode ensures fluids move in only a single direction — a critical feature for products like implantable devices that release therapies directly into the body.
Credit: DOI: 10.1038/s41598-018-36727-z

UMD engineers demonstrate their approach by printing the smallest-known 3D microfluidic circuit element. Engineers at the University of Maryland (UMD) have created the first 3D-printed fluid circuit element so tiny that 10 could rest on the width of a human hair. The diode ensures fluids move in only a single direction – a critical feature for products like implantable devices that release therapies directly into the body.


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