53-attosecond light pulse tagged posts

Record for Fastest Light Pulse Set

University of Central Florida Professor Zenghu Chang broke the record for the fastest light pulse. Credit: University of Central Florida

University of Central Florida Professor Zenghu Chang broke the record for the fastest light pulse. Credit: University of Central Florida

The 53-attosecond light pulse breaks the record set by the same team in 2012. The group led by Professor Zenghu Chang beat its own record set in 2012: a 67-attosecond extreme UV light pulse. In 53 attoseconds, light travels < 1/1000 of the diameter of a human hair. Attosecond light pulses allow scientists to capture images of fast-moving electrons in atoms and molecules with unprecedented sharpness.

As reported Aug. 4 in Nature Communications, the pulses Chang has now demonstrated are not just shorter in duration, but also in wavelength...

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