5G tagged posts

AI-powered method improves reliability of next-generation networks

Network technology focused on signal developed for faster, reliable 5G and 6G networks
mmWave Massive MIMO system with moving UE; The angle-delay reciprocity holds in stationary (quasi-static) but not in non-stationary scenarios. Credit: IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications (2024). DOI: 10.1109/TWC.2024.3476474

As 5G and 6G networks expand, they promise a future of incredibly fast and reliable wireless connections. A key technology behind this is millimeter-wave (mmWave), which uses very high-frequency radio waves to transmit huge amounts of data. To make the most of mmWave, networks use large groups of antennas working together, called massive Multiple-Input Multiple-Output (MIMO).

However, managing these complex antenna systems is challenging...

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Wireless Receiver Blocks Interference for Better Mobile Device Performance

A cellphone has a blue shield which blocks red interference.
Caption: A new receiver can block up to four times more interference than some similar devices.
Credits:Image: MIT News; iStock

The growing prevalence of high-speed wireless communication devices, from 5G mobile phones to sensors for autonomous vehicles, is leading to increasingly crowded airwaves. This makes the ability to block interfering signals that can hamper device performance an even more important — and more challenging — problem.

With these and other emerging applications in mind, MIT researchers demonstrated a new millimeter-wave multiple-input-multiple-output (MIMO) wireless receiver architecture that can handle stronger spatial interference than previous designs. MIMO systems have multiple antennas, enabling them to transmit and receive signals from different directions...

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Wirelessly Powered Relay will help bring 5G Technology to Smart Factories

Figure 2 Prototype of the proposed relay transceiver The prototype of the proposed relay transceiver was fabricated with Si CMOS 65nm chips and 4×2 patch phased-array antenna board.
Prototype of the proposed relay transceiver
The prototype of the proposed relay transceiver was fabricated with Si CMOS 65nm chips and 4×2 patch phased-array antenna board.

The proposed innovative design leads to unprecedented power conversion efficiency and improved versatility. A recently developed wirelessly powered 5G relay could accelerate the development of smart factories, report scientists from Tokyo Tech. By adopting a lower operating frequency for wireless power transfer, the proposed relay design solves many of the current limitations, including range and efficiency. In turn, this allows for a more versatile and widespread arrangement of sensors and transceivers in industrial settings.

One of the hallmarks of the Information Age is the transformation of industries towards...

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Researchers offer Future 6G Network Concept

Credit: CC0 Public Domain

NIST and international researchers propose a “cognitive” 6G network—significantly enhancing the 5G network that encodes and transmits data with their meaning or semantics.

With commercial 5G rapidly deploying, researchers have begun to look at 6G. Its key technologies for mobile communication networks are expected to become available as early as 2023, with 6G networks emerging in 2030, according to Saad et al. Compared to 5G, the 6G network will increase data rates by over 100 times, to one terabyte per second or more, enabling the inclusion of edge intelligent devices and computing. To move large amounts of data to where and when it is needed, 6G networks will need to customize services to meet demands, transmit valued data, and interact with users.


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