6G networks tagged posts

New 2D Metamaterial enhances Satellite Communication for 6G Networks

Free-space real-time measurements.
From: Multi-band ultrathin reflective metasurface for linear and circular polarization conversion in Ku, K, and Ka bands

A new, cheap, easily manufactured device could lead to improved satellite communication, high speed data transmission, and remote sensing, scientists say.

A team of engineers led by researchers from the University of Glasgow have developed an ultrathin 2D surface that harnesses the unique properties of metamaterials to manipulate and convert radio waves across the frequencies most commonly used by satellites.

Metamaterials are structures that have been carefully engineered to imbue them with properties that don’t exist in naturally occurring materials.

The team’s metamaterial, unveiled today in a new paper published in the ...

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Photonics-based Wireless Link Breaks Speed Records for Data Transmission


Researchers from Osaka University and IMRA AMERICA use a stimulated Brillouin scattering laser to generate the signals needed by sub-terahertz transmitters and receivers, enabling super-high communication speeds for our tablets and phones.

Researchers demonstrated a 300 GHz-band wireless link that was able to transmit data over a single channel at a rate of 240 gigabits per second. The wireless communication system employs signal generators based on lasers that have ultra-low phase noise in the sub-terahertz band. This rate is the highest so far reported at these frequencies and is a substantial step forward in 300 GHz-band communications for 6G networks.

From coffee-shop customers who connect their laptop to the local Wi-Fi network to remote weather monitoring stations in the A...

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Photonic Filter Separates Signals from Noise to Support Future 6G Wireless Communication

Photonic filter separates signals from noise to support future 6G wireless communication
Illustration of how the integrated microwave photonic filter helps to separate signals of interest from background noise or unwanted interference in complex electromagnetic environments. Credit: Peking University research team

Researchers have developed a new chip-sized microwave photonic filter to separate communication signals from noise and suppress unwanted interference across the full radio frequency spectrum. The device is expected to help next-generation wireless communication technologies efficiently convey data in an environment that is becoming crowded with signals from devices such as cell phones, self-driving vehicles, internet-connected appliances and smart city infrastructure.

“This new microwave filter chip has the potential to improve wireless communication, such as ...

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Researchers create Novel Photonic Chip

A novel photonic digital to analog converter
Electronic Bottleneck Suppression in Next-Generation Networks with Integrated Photonic Digital-to-Analog Converters,” 

Digital to analog converter bridges the gap between internet and electronic hardware. Researchers at the George Washington University and University of California, Los Angeles, have developed and demonstrated for the first time a photonic digital to analog converter without leaving the optical domain. Such novel converters can advance next-generation data processing hardware with high relevance for datacenters, 6G networks, artificial intelligence and more.

Current optical networks, through which most of the world’s data is transmitted, as well as many sensors, require a digital-to-analog conversion, which links digital systems synergistically to analog components...

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