acetylation tagged posts

Age-dependent Alterations in Metabolism & Gene Regulation in Middle-Aged Fruitflies linked to a reduction in lifespan

This study shows that metabolism, acetyl‐CoA levels and histone acetylation are increased during midlife in Drosophila, which correlates with changes in the transcriptome. Depleting the enzymes that link metabolism and histone acetylation reduces midlife acetyl‐CoA levels, transcriptome changes and increases life span.

This study shows that metabolism, acetyl‐CoA levels and histone acetylation are increased during midlife in Drosophila, which correlates with changes in the transcriptome. Depleting the enzymes that link metabolism and histone acetylation reduces midlife acetyl‐CoA levels, transcriptome changes and increases life span.

A collaborative study by 2 research groups at LMU’s Biomedical Center has shown in the fruitfly Drosophila melanogaster that age-dependent changes are already detectable in middle age. Genetic investigation of the signal pathways involved in mediating this effect identified a common process – the modification of proteins by the attachment of so-called acetyl groups (CH3COO−) to proteins – that links the age-related changes at the metabolic and genetic levels.

As we age...

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