acoustic levitation tagged posts

Researchers demonstrate Acoustic Levitation of a Large Sphere


Acoustic levitation of a polystyrene sphere, the first spherical object to be acoustically levitated that is larger than the acoustic wavelength. Credit: Andrade et al. ©2016 AIP Publishing

In a new study, researchers have demonstrated the acoustic levitation of a 50-mm (2″) solid polystyrene sphere using ultrasound—acoustic waves that are above the frequency of human hearing. It is one of the first times that an object larger than the wavelength of the acoustic wave has been acoustically levitated. Previously, this has been achieved only for a few specific cases, such as wire-like and planar objects. In the new study, the levitated sphere is 3.6 times larger than the 14-mm acoustic wavelength used here.

“Acoustic levitation of small particles at the acoustic pressure nodes of a standin...

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Boeing has patented technology to 3D print objects while Levitating in Space.

Boeing eyes 3D printing objects levitating in space

Has Boeing been exploring the printing of 3D printing of levitating objects? Yes, Boeing has patented technology to 3D print objects while levitating in space. PatentYogi has presented a video that explains what Boeing had in mind in their patent application, first filed in 2014.

PatentYogi has presented a video that explains what Boeing had in mind in their patent application, first filed in 2014. Multiple 3d printers are used to simultaneously print various features. The material has diamagnetic properties. PatentYogi said that when super-cooled, the printing material becomes a superconductor.

MOA: A nugget of the printing material is ejected into space; magnetic levitation holds it in place; further deposition begins...

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