activation of inflammasomes tagged posts

Platelets Exacerbate Immune Response

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Platelets (green) contribute to the activation of inflammasomes in human macrophages (red; nuclei: blue) and thus to an increased IL-1 production. © artistic representation (based on microscopic images): B. Franklin / L. Ribeiro/UKB

Platelets not only play a key role in blood clotting, but can also significantly intensify inflammatory processes. This is shown by a new study carried out by scientists from the University of Bonn together with colleagues from Sao Paulo (Brazil). In the medium term, the results could open up new ways to treat autoimmune diseases. They have now been published in the journal Cell Reports.

For a long time, the role of platelets appeared to be clear: in the event of an injury, they adhere to the wound and stick to each other to rapidly stop the bleeding...

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