Advance Detection of Ovarian Cancer tagged posts

Perception-based Nanosensor Platform could Advance Detection of Ovarian Cancer

(1) Eleven single-stranded DNA oligonucleotides wrap SWCNT chiralities to form DNA-SWCNT sensor complexes. (2) The array of sensors is incubated in the sample of interest. (3) The optical response of the sensors is interrogated by high-throughput NIR spectroscopy. (4) The spectroscopic data are fitted to determine the wavelength and intensity of each sensor emission band. (5) The sensor responses are processed into a feature vector (FV) training set. A.U., arbitrary units. (6) ML algorithms are trained and validated for each target protein and their combinations. Seq, sequence; CNT, Carbon nanotubes. (7) Prediction results are evaluated.
Figure by Zvi Yaari

Ovarian cancer kills 14,000 women in the United States every year...

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