Advanced Cancer patients tagged posts

Genetic Sequencing could influence Treatment for nearly 3/4 of Advanced Cancer patients

Nearly three-quarters of patients with advanced cancer could be referred to a potential targeted treatment based on the results of a comprehensive analysis of their tumor’s genetic landscape, a new analysis finds.

Nearly three-quarters of patients with advanced cancer could be referred to a potential targeted treatment based on the results of a comprehensive analysis of their tumor’s genetic landscape, a new analysis finds.

More biomarker-based clinical trials will increase opportunities. A new analysis finds that nearly 3/4 of 500 patients with advanced cancer could be referred to a potential targeted treatment based on the results of a comprehensive analysis of their tumor’s genetic landscape. The study suggests the value of next generation sequencing, a sophisticated method of evaluating the DNA and RNA of a tumor to help direct treatment.

A report on the first 500 patients with advanced solid tumors to go through the University of Michigan Comprehensive Cancer Center’s sequencing program found...

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