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Nanocrystals Emit Light by Efficiently ‘Tunneling’ Electrons

Illustration of nanosized device made of two joined silver single crystals that generate light by inelastical electron tunneling. Artwork by Steven Bopp

Illustration of nanosized device made of two joined silver single crystals that generate light by inelastical electron tunneling. Artwork by Steven Bopp

Using advanced fabrication techniques, engineers have built a nanosized device out of silver crystals that can generate light by efficiently ‘tunneling’ electrons through a tiny barrier. The work brings plasmonics research a step closer to realizing ultra-compact light sources for high-speed, optical data processing and other on-chip applications.

The device emits light by a quantum mechanical phenomenon known as inelastic electron tunneling. In this process, electrons move through a solid barrier that they cannot classically cross...

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