aerobic exercise tagged posts

12-wk Exercise Program significantly Improved Testosterone Levels in Overweight, Obese Men

Vigorous exercise amplified increase in hormone levels

Vigorous exercise amplified increase in hormone levels

Twelve weeks of aerobic exercise significantly boosted testosterone levels in overweight and obese men, with the greatest increases seen among vigorous exercisers, according to research presented at the Integrative Biology of Exercise 7 meeting in Phoenix. Researchers from Tsukuba University and Ryutsu Keizai University in Japan previously found that a combination of diet and exercise was effective in increasing the testosterone in this population. For this study, however, they looked specifically at the effect of regular aerobic exercise on testosterone levels.

“Testosterone is a male sex hormone, and low circulating testosterone levels lead to various health disorders in men...

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Brain Benefits of Aerobic exercise Lost to Mercury exposure

Methylmercury bioaccumulation

Methylmercury bioaccumulation

Cognitive function improves with aerobic exercise, but not for people exposed to high levels of mercury before birth, according to research funded by the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences (NIEHS), part of the National Institutes of Health. Adults with high prenatal exposure to methylmercury, which mainly comes from maternal consumption of fish with high mercury levels, did not experience the faster cognitive processing and better short term memory benefits of exercise that were seen in those with low prenatal methylmercury exposures.

This is one of the first studies to examine how methylmercury exposure in the womb may affect cognitive function in adults...

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Aerobic Exercise training Restored the Cardiac Protein Quality control system in rats with Heart Failure

Aerobic exercise training rescues cardiac protein quality control and blunts endoplasmic reticulum stress in heart failure ra

Aerobic exercise training rescues cardiac protein quality control and blunts endoplasmic reticulum stress in heart failure rats. ie AET blunted MI-induced ER stress by reducing protein levels of UPR markers, and accumulation of both misfolded and polyubiquinated proteins, which was associated with restored proteasome activity

Heart failure is a common endpoint for many cardiovascular diseases and is characterized by having reduced cardiac output that leads to dyspnea, exercise intolerance and later death. >20 million people worldwide have heart failure and this will get worse since the prevalence of heart failure will rise as the mean age of the population increases.

Despite heart failure seems to be a multifactorial syndrome, a common point observed by several studies was the accumulation...

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Heart Failure Improvements with Diet and Exercise


Doctors have shown the benefits of a healthy diet and exercise in patients with heart failure. The annual congress of the Mexican Society of Cardiology is being held in Acapulco from 21 to 25 November 2015. Experts from the European Society of Cardiology (ESC) will present a special programme

In Mexico there are 750,000 patients living with heart failure and the problem is growing. It is estimated that 75,000 more patients will get heart failure each year. “Just 25% of men and 38% of women with heart failure in Mexico will be alive after 5 years,” said Dr Arturo Orea...

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