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New study puts a Definitive Age on Saturn’s Rings – they’re really Young

Saturn's rings partially in shadow
Saturn’s rings partially in shadow as seen by NASA’s Cassini spacecraft. (Credit: NASA/JPL/Space Science Institute)

Physicists measured the flux of interplanetary dust around Saturn. The researchers concluded that the planet’s rings formed less than 400 million years ago, making them much younger than Saturn itself.

A new study led by physicist Sascha Kempf at the University of Colorado Boulder has delivered the strongest evidence yet that Saturn’s rings are remarkably young — potentially answering a question that has boggled scientists for well over a century.

The research, to be published May 12 in the journal Science Advances, pegs the age of Saturn’s rings at no more than 400 million years old. That makes the rings much younger than Saturn itself, which is about 4...

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