AI algorithms tagged posts

Real AI will need Biology: Computers powered by Human Brain Cells

Real AI will need biology: computers powered by human brain cells
Credit: Frontiers in Science (2023). DOI: 10.3389/fsci.2023.1017235.

The time has come to create a new kind of computer, say researchers from John Hopkins University together with Dr. Brett Kagan, chief scientist at Cortical Labs in Melbourne, who recently led development of the DishBrain project, in which human cells in a petri dish learnt to play Pong.

In an article published today (March 1) in Frontiers in Science, the team outlines how biological computers could surpass today’s electronic computers for certain applications while using a small fraction of the electricity required by today’s computers and server farms.

They’re starting by making small clusters of 50,000 brain cells grown from stem c...

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How to make AI Trustworthy

Self-driving car/Photo credit: Grendelkhan

New tool might aid the adoption of technologies such as autonomous vehicles. One of the biggest impediments to adoption of new technologies is trust in AI.

Now, a new tool developed by USC Viterbi Engineering researchers generates automatic indicators if data and predictions generated by AI algorithms are trustworthy. Their research paper, “There Is Hope After All: Quantifying Opinion and Trustworthiness in Neural Networks” by Mingxi Cheng, Shahin Nazarian and Paul Bogdan of the USC Cyber Physical Systems Group, was featured in Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence.

Neural networks are a type of artificial intelligence that are modeled after the brain and generate predictions...

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