Alfvén wings tagged posts

Massive Solar Wind Disturbance caused Earth’s Magnetosphere to Fly Without its Usual Tail

Massive solar wind disturbance caused Earth’s magnetosphere to fly without its usual tail
A coronal mass ejection in April 2023 caused Earth to grow Alfvén wings. (This CME, with Earth illustrated to scale, took place in 2021.) Credit: NASA/GSFC/SDO

Like a supersonic jet being blasted with high-speed winds, Earth is constantly being bombarded by a stream of charged particles from the sun known as solar wind.

Just like wind around a jet or water around a boat, these solar wind streams curve around Earth’s magnetic field, or magnetosphere, forming on the sunward side of the magnetosphere a front called a bow shock and stretching it into a wind sock shape with a long tail on the nightside.

Dramatic changes to the solar wind alter the structure and dynamics of the magnetosphere...

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