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Mysterious Star Stirs Controversy

The Kepler space telescope's planet-hunting mission was launched in 2009 but lost its key orientation abilities in 2013

The Kepler space telescope’s planet-hunting mission was launched in 2009 but lost its key orientation abilities in 2013

Mysterious light on a distant star could be a sign of alien civilisation, some astronomers have claimed, stirring controversy. Not so fast, said NASA.

“The mysterious star, KIC 8462852, does have an odd light curve,” said Steve Howell, working on the Kepler space telescope’s planet-hunting mission. “It does not look like a normal exoplanet or binary star light curve. However, I think that saying that it immediately is alien is a bit of a stretch,” Howell said in an email to AFP.

Kepler observes distant planets and stars by observing transits, or the dimming of light when another celestial body passes in front...

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