allergen tagged posts

Gene Therapy can give Life-long Protection from Severe Allergies such as Asthma

Might it be possible to 'turn off' a food allergy? Credit: © bit24 / Fotolia

Might it be possible to ‘turn off’ a food allergy? Credit: © bit24 / Fotolia

A team led by A/Prof Ray Steptoe at UQ Diamantina Institute has been able to ‘turn-off’ the immune response which causes allergic reaction in animals. “When someone has an allergy or asthma flare-up, the symptoms they experience results from immune cells reacting to protein in the allergen,” Professor Steptoe said. “The challenge in asthma and allergies is that these immune cells, known as T-cells, develop a form of immune ‘memory’ and become very resistant to treatments.

“We have now been able ‘wipe’ the memory of these T-cells in animals with gene therapy, de-sensitising the immune system so that it tolerates the protein...

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