alpha-synuclein in endocrine cells tagged posts

Pre-clinical study suggests Parkinson’s could start in Gut Endocrine Cells

An image of tissue from a human colon uses fluorescent staining to show the presence of the protein alpha-synuclein (red) inside gut endocrine cells (green). Credit: 2017, JCI Insight

An image of tissue from a human colon uses fluorescent staining to show the presence of the protein alpha-synuclein (red) inside gut endocrine cells (green).
Credit: 2017, JCI Insight

Protein linked to Parkinson’s could spread from gut to nervous system. Recent research on Parkinson’s disease has focused on the gut-brain connection, examining patients’ gut bacteria, and even how severing the vagus nerve connecting the stomach and brain might protect some people from the debilitating disease. Duke University researchers have identified a potential new mechanism in both mice and human endocrine cells that populate the small intestines...

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