anti-cancer tagged posts

Magnesium is essential for the Immune System, including in the Fight Against Cancer

Immunofluorescence microscopy: T cells (blue) attack cancer cells (gray) by binding to them via their surface protein LFA-1. LFA-1 needs magnesium to adopt an active, elongated form (active LFA-1 in red). (Image: J. Lötscher et al., Cell, 2022)

The level of magnesium in the blood is an important factor in the immune system’s ability to tackle pathogens and cancer cells. Writing in the journal Cell, researchers from the University of Basel and University Hospital Basel have reported that T cells need a sufficient quantity of magnesium in order to operate efficiently. Their findings may have important implications for cancer patients.

Magnesium deficiency is associated with a variety of diseases, such as infections and cancer...

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A good Vitamin D status can Protect against Cancer

Fig. 1
Vitamin D signaling. Production of vitamin D3 and its metabolites 25(OH)D3 and 1,25(OH)2D3 (A). VDR (green) binds accessible genomic DNA in complex with a partner protein (RXR or others, blue) (B). VDR’s DNA binding is supported by the pioneer factors PU.1, CEBPA and/or GABPA. The genomic region that can be influenced by 1,25(OH)2D3 (via binding to VDR) is restricted by CTCF proteins defining left and right TAD borders. Schematic representation of a Voronoi tessellation [55] displaying five TAD classes of the most prominently enriched biological processes (C). The most relevant attributes are the number of persistent and transient VDR sites and were chosen for the x and y axis, respectively.

A good vitamin D status is beneficial both in cancer prevention and in the prognosis of sever...

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New family of promising, Selective Silver-based Anti-cancer Drugs discovered

A family of economical silver-based complexes show very promising results against a number of human cancers in laboratory tests, with very low toxicity in rat studies and minimal effects on healthy cells. One of these, UJ3, is as effective as the industry-standard drug Cisplatin in killing cancer cells in laboratory tests done on human esophageal cancer, breast cancer and melanoma. This matrix of light microscope images show a comparison of human esophageal cancer cells treated with UJ3 and Cisplatin. Credit: Dr Zelinda Engelbrecht, University of Johannesburg

A family of economical silver-based complexes show very promising results against a number of human cancers in laboratory tests, with very low toxicity in rat studies and minimal effects on healthy cells. One of these, UJ3, is as effective as the industry-standard drug Cisplatin in killing cancer cells in laboratory tests done on human esophageal cancer, breast cancer and melanoma. This matrix of light microscope images show a comparison of human esophageal cancer cells treated with UJ3 and Cisplatin. Credit: Dr Zelinda Engelbrecht, University of Johannesburg

A new family of potential silver-based anti-cancer drugs has been discovered by researchers in South Africa...

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Treating Cancer with Drugs for Diabetes and Hypertension

Illustration demonstrating the anti-cancer effect of the drug combination. Credit: Evi Bieler, NanoImaging Lab, University of Basel

Illustration demonstrating the anti-cancer effect of the drug combination. Credit: Evi Bieler, NanoImaging Lab, University of Basel

A combination of a diabetes medication and an antihypertensive drug can effectively combat specific cancer cells. Metformin is the most widely prescribed drug for the treatment of type 2 diabetes. Besides its blood sugar lowering effect, it also displays anti-cancer properties. The usual therapeutic dose, however, is too low to effectively fight cancer. The team has now made an unexpected discovery: The antihypertensive drug syrosingopine potentiates the anti-cancer efficacy of metformin. Apparently, this drug combination drives cancer cells to programmed “suicide.”

At higher doses, the antidiabetic drug inhibits the growth of cancer cells but could also induc...

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