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Researchers find a New Class of Biomarkers to Predict Treatment Outcomes in Cancer Patients

Researchers find a new of biomarkers to predict treatment outcomes in cancer patients
Cancer is the result of the uncontrolled division and spread of cells into surrounding tissue. Recently researchers have begun to focus on biomarkers as a source of information about different cancers, how they work in the body, and how they can be fought. Credit: Colin Behrens/Pixabay, CC0 Public Domain

One of the big reasons that cancer is difficult to treat is that patients respond to treatments differently, and these differences can rarely be anticipated. In most cases, determining whether and how a patient will respond to any given therapy requires administering it to the patient and then waiting and watching. That is a lot of pressure for researchers and physicians and a lot of risk for cancer patients, and added expense.

If a patient’s response were predictable, optimal thera...

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