antiferromagnetic tagged posts

Lasers Trigger Magnetism in Atomically Thin Quantum Materials

A cartoon depiction of the light-induced ferromagnetism that the researchers observed in ultrathin sheets of tungsten diselenide and tungsten disulfide. Laser light, shown in yellow, excites an exciton – a bound pair of an electron (blue) and its associated positive charge, also known as a hole (red). This activity induces long range exchange interactions among other holes trapped within the moiré superlattice, orienting their spins in the same direction.Xi Wang/University of Washington

Researchers have discovered that light – in the form of a laser – can trigger a form of magnetism in a normally nonmagnetic material. This magnetism centers on the behavior of electrons...

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An Unusual Magnetic effect found in Nanolayers of an oxide of Lanthanum & Manganese (LaMnO3)


The research revealed an abrupt magnetic transition brought about by the slightest change in thickness of the layer. Materials with exceptional electronic and magnetic properties are of great importance for many apps. A particularly versatile class of materials are the ‘perovskite oxides’.

Twente University researchers have discovered a special effect relating to the magnetism of one of such perovskite-oxides; lanthanum-manganese-oxide. This material consists of stackings of LaMnO3 unit cells, quite comparable to stacking of LEGO but the building blocks are only 0.4nm in size.

The new discovery is that the magnetism in these layers is switched on abruptly when the number of LaMnO3 building blocks changes from 5 to 6...

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