Antiferromagnetic Hybrids tagged posts

Antiferromagnetic Hybrids achieve important Functionality for Spintronic Applications

Antiferromagnetic hybrids achieve important functionality for spintronic applications
(a) Cross-sectional transmission electron micrograph of the m-plane Al2O3/Cr2O3 interface with the c-axis [0001]-oriented out of the page and (b,c) the corresponding diffractograms of Cr2O3 and Al2O3 indicating epitaxial order. (d) Sample geometry. The magnetic field is applied parallel to the c-axis. (e) Spin Seebeck (SSE) voltage of the Cr2O3/Pt sample shows a sign change across the SF transition. (f) SSE signals dominated by left-hand (LH) and quasiferromagnetic (QFM) magnons fall rapidly with increasing temperature. Credit: Rodolfo Rodriguez et al, Physical Review Research (2022). DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevResearch.4.033139

Antiferromagnets have zero net magnetization and are insensitive to external magnetic field perturbations...

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