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Zebrafish teach Researchers more about Atrial Fibrillation

Stock photo of a zebrafish, which has not been part of the study. Photo: Colourbox
Stock photo of a zebrafish, which has not been part of the study. Photo: Colourbox

Researchers from the Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences have shown a possible link between a genetic variation and the widespread type of cardiac arrhythmia, atrial fibrillation.

The scientists conducted the study in zebrafish, which is a recognised scientific animal model within cardiac research.

Here, researchers from the University of Copenhagen in Denmark and the Max Planck Institute in Germany put special focus on the gene pitx2c. The result came as a surprise to them, says Assistant Professor Pia Lundegaard from the Department of Biomedical Sciences.

‘It seems that we may also have to think of atrial fibrillation as an atrial cardiomyopathy – that is, a challenged heart – rather than...

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