antiprotons tagged posts

Protons and antiprotons appear to be true mirror images

Schematic of the measurement and the reservoir Penning traps.

Schematic of the measurement and the reservoir Penning traps. Credit

In a stringent test of a fundamental property of the standard model of particle physics, known as CPT symmetry, researchers from the RIKEN-led BASE collaboration at CERN have made the most precise measurements so far of the charge-to-mass ratio of protons and their antimatter counterparts, antiprotons. The work was carried out using CERN’s Antiproton Decelerator, a device that provides low-energy antiprotons for antimatter studies.

Results and data analysis.

All measured antiproton-to-H− cyclotron frequency ratios as a function of time Credit:

CPT invariance – which the experiment was meant to test – means that a system remains unchanged if three fundamental properties a...

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