anxiety disorders tagged posts

Laughter may be Best Medicine – for Brain Surgery

Illustration showing how an electrode was inserted into the cingulum bundle.
Credit: From Bijanki et al, J. Clin. Invest. (2019); Courtesy of American Society for Clinical Investigation

Effects of electrical stimulation of cingulum bundle. Neuroscientists at Emory University School of Medicine have discovered a focal pathway in the brain that when electrically stimulated causes immediate laughter, followed by a sense of calm and happiness, even during awake brain surgery. The effects of stimulation were observed in an epilepsy patient undergoing diagnostic monitoring for seizure diagnosis. These effects were then harnessed to help her complete a separate awake brain surgery two days later.

The behavioral effects of direct electrical stimulation of the cingulum bundle, a white matte...

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Protein that Boosts Memory Identified

Elevating Dnmt3a2 can promote memory formation.

Previous experiment (a) When Dnmt3a2 is overexpressed in aged mice, it improves memory formation. (b) Conversely, when Dnmt3a2 is artificially reduced in young mice by shRNA-mediated knockdown, this is sufficient to disrupt memory formation. These results demonstrate the requirement for Dnmt3a2 in hippocampus-dependent memory formation.

Research findings could lead to new treatment for anxiety disorders including PTSD. Mouse experiments showed that the Dnmt3a2 protein can boost memory performance in the animals. Because this protein also affects fear memory and the ability to erase bad memories, the researchers hope these findings can be used to develop new treatments for post-traumatic stress disorder and other forms of anxiety.

In an earlier study, the Heidelberg scientists learned that ...

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