Apache Point Observatory (APO) telescope tagged posts

New Planet in Kepler-51 System discovered using James Webb Space Telescope, JWST

illustration of star with three planets
A fourth planet has been discovered in the Kepler-51 system using NASA’s James Webb Space Telescope. The three previously known planets in the system, illustrated here,  are unusual ultra-low density “super-puff” planets. Credit: NASA, ESA, and L. Hustak, J. Olmsted, D. Player and F. Summers (STScI). All Rights Reserved.

The unusual system of three ‘super puff’ planets has at least one more planet, revealed by its gravitational tug on other planets. An unusual planetary system with three known ultra-low density “super-puff” planets has at least one more planet, according to new research led by researchers from Penn State and Osaka University...

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