archaeological discovery and structural monitoring tagged posts

Xray eyes in the sky: Drones and WiFi for 3D through-wall imaging

Two drones work in tandem to discovered what is behind a brick wall. Credit: Image courtesy of University of California - Santa Barbara

Two drones work in tandem to discovered what is behind a brick wall. Credit: Image courtesy of University of California – Santa Barbara

Researchers at UC Santa Barbara Prof. Yasamin Mostofi’s lab have given the 1st demonstration of 3D imaging of objects through walls using ordinary wireless signal. The technique, which involves 2 drones working in tandem, could have a variety of applications, such as search-and-rescue, archaeological discovery and structural monitoring. “Our proposed approach has enabled unmanned aerial vehicles to image details through walls in 3D with only WiFi signals,” said Mostofi, a professor of electrical and computer engineering at UCSB...

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