artificial intelligence tagged posts

Artificial Intelligence identifies previously unknown features associated with Cancer Recurrence

Illustration showing structure of the disk
Outline of the method. First, unsupervised deep neural networks were applied to pathology images without being taught any medical knowledge. Next, the features (a series of numbers that humans cannot directly understand) acquired by AI were translated into high-resolution images that can be understood by humans and were automatically assigned optimum weights to make images interpretable.

Artificial intelligence (AI) technology developed by the RIKEN Center for Advanced Intelligence Project (AIP) in Japan has successfully found features in pathology images from human cancer patients, without annotation, that could be understood by human doctors...

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AI-designed Heat Pumps Consume Less Energy

Data-Driven Predesign Tool for Small-Scale Centrifugal Compressor in RefrigerationJournal of Engineering for Gas Turbines and Power, 2018; 140 (12) DOI: 10.1115/1.4040845

Researchers at EPFL have developed a method that uses artificial intelligence to design next-generation heat-pump compressors. Their method can cut the pumps’ power requirement by around 25%. In Switzerland, 50 – 60% of new homes are equipped with heat pumps. These systems draw in thermal energy from the surrounding environment – such as from the ground, air, or a nearby lake or river – and turn it into heat for buildings.

While today’s heat pumps generally work well and are environmentally friendly, they still have substantial room for improvement...

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Meet Blue, the Low-cost, human-friendly Robot designed for AI

Blue the robot’s arms – about the size of a human bodybuilder’s — were designed to take advantage of recent advances in artificial intelligence to master intricate, human-centered tasks, like folding towels.
Credit: Philip Downey

Blue’s creators hope the new robot will accelerate the development of robotics for the home. Researchers have created a new low-cost, human friendly robot named Blue, designed to use recent advances in artificial intelligence and deep reinforcement learning to master intricate human tasks, all while remaining affordable and safe enough that every AI researcher could have one. The team hopes Blue will accelerate the development of robotics for the home.

Robots may have a knack for super-human strength and precision, but they still struggle with some basic h...

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Artificial Intelligence replaces Physicists

The experiment, featuring the small red glow of a BEC trapped in infrared laser beams. Credit: Stuart Hay, ANU

The experiment, featuring the small red glow of a BEC trapped in infrared laser beams. Credit: Stuart Hay, ANU

Physicists are putting themselves out of a job, using artificial intelligence to run a complex experiment.The experiment, developed by physicists from Australian National University and UNSW ADFA, created an extremely cold gas trapped in a laser beam, aka Bose-Einstein condensate, replicating the experiment that won the 2001 Nobel Prize. “I didn’t expect the machine could learn to do the experiment itself, from scratch, in under an hour,” said Paul Wigley, ANU Research School of Physics and Engineering.

Bose-Einstein condensates are some of the coldest places in the Universe, far colder than outer space, typically less than a billionth of a degree above 0K...

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