artificial quantum systems tagged posts

New technology lets Quantum Bits hold Information for 10,000 times Longer than previous record

Conceptual art of the acceptor-based spin-orbit qubit. A boron atom (yellow) implanted in silicon crystal (blue) bounds a hole. Orbital motion of a hole in silicon is coupled to its spin degree of freedom. This coupling is reminiscent of gears where circular motion (blue arrow) and spinning (red arrow) are locked together. Quantum information is encoded to the combined motion and spin of a hole in the spin-orbit qubit. â’¸Takashi Kobayashi, Tohoku University

Quantum bits, or -qubits, can hold quantum information much longer now thanks to efforts by an international research team. The researchers have increased the retention time, or coherence time, to 10 milliseconds – 10,000 times longer than the previous record – by combining the orbital motion and spinning inside an atom...

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