Artificial skin tagged posts

Artificial ‘Skin’ gives Robotic hand a sense of Touch

Researchers from the University of Houston have reported a breakthrough in stretchable electronics that can serve as an artificial skin, allowing a robotic hand to sense the difference between hot and cold. Credit: University of Houston

Researchers from the University of Houston have reported a breakthrough in stretchable electronics that can serve as an artificial skin, allowing a robotic hand to sense the difference between hot and cold.
Credit: University of Houston

UH researchers discover new form of stretchable electronics, sensors and skins, allowing a robotic hand to sense the difference between hot and cold, while also offering advantages for a wide range of biomedical devices. The work, reported in the journal Science Advances, describes a new mechanism for producing stretchable electronics, a process that relies upon readily available materials and could be scaled up for commercial production.

Cunjiang Yu, Bill D...

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Stretchable Electronics that Quadruple in length

Intrinsically stretchable biphasic gold–gallium thin films. A) False color scanning electronic microscopy (SEM) image of a slightly tilted cross-section of the biphasic gold–gallium film on a PDMS substrate. The blue, yellow and gray colors correspond to the PDMS substrate, the biphasic AuGa2/Ga film, and a gallium bulge in the background, respectively. Scale bar: 500 nm. B) False color SEM image of the surface of the biphasic gold–gallium film. The yellow and gray colors correspond to the AuGa2/Ga film and the liquid Gallium, respectively. Color mask was obtained from backscattered electron detector (BSE) image. Scale bar: 5 μm. C) X-ray diffraction pattern of a biphasic gold–gallium film deposited on a PDMS substrate clearly indicating the position of the peaks corresponding to AuGa2 intermetallic compound (ICDD PDF Card 01-072-5268). Inset: the increase in baseline signal around 35° is attributed to liquid gallium. D) Picture of a biphasic gold–gallium film patterned by photolithography with critical dimension of 100 μm on a 40 μm thick poly(dimethylsiloxane) (PDMS) elastomer membrane. Scale bar: 5 mm; Inset scale bar: 500 μm. E) Stretchable multilayered matrix of green surface mounted light emitting diodes interconnected and powered through biphasic gold–gallium conductors. Scale bar: 15 mm. Inset: the LEDs are interconnected with two biphasic conductor planes; scale bar: 2 mm.

Intrinsically stretchable biphasic gold–gallium thin films. A) False color scanning electronic microscopy (SEM) image of a slightly tilted cross-section of the biphasic gold–gallium film on a PDMS substrate. The blue, yellow and gray colors correspond to the PDMS substrate, the biphasic AuGa2/Ga film, and a gallium bulge in the background, respectively. Scale bar: 500 nm. B) False color SEM image of the surface of the biphasic gold–gallium film. The yellow and gray colors correspond to the AuGa2/Ga film and the liquid Gallium, respectively. Color mask was obtained from backscattered electron detector (BSE) image. Scale bar: 5 μm...

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Engineers Create Artificial Skin that can send Pressure Sensation to Brain Cell

Human finger touches robotic finger. The transparent plastic and black device on the golden "fingertip" is the skin-like sensor developed by Stanford engineers. This sensor can detect pressure and transmit that touch sensation to a nerve cell. The goal is to create artificial skin, studded with many such miniaturized sensors, to give prosthetic appendages some of the sensory capabilities of human skin. Credit: Bao Lab

Human finger touches robotic finger. The transparent plastic and black device on the golden “fingertip” is the skin-like sensor developed by Stanford engineers. This sensor can detect pressure and transmit that touch sensation to a nerve cell. The goal is to create artificial skin, studded with many such miniaturized sensors, to give prosthetic appendages some of the sensory capabilities of human skin. Credit: Bao Lab

Engineers have created a plastic skin-like material that can detect pressure and deliver a Morse code-like signal directly to a living brain cell. The work takes a big step toward adding a sense of touch to prosthetic limbs...

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