AstroSat tagged posts

Center of the Coma Cluster Explored with AstroSat

Center of the Coma cluster explored with AstroSat
A Sloan Digital Sky Survey/Spitzer Space Telescope mosaic of the Coma Cluster in long-wavelength infrared (red), short-wavelength infrared (green), and visible light. Credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech/L. Jenkins (GSFC).

Using India’s AstroSat spacecraft, astronomers have investigated a central field of a cluster of galaxies known as the Coma cluster. Results of the study, presented in a paper published September 13 on, deliver important insights into the properties and nature of this galaxy cluster.

Galaxy clusters contain up to thousands of galaxies bound together by gravity. They are the largest known gravitationally bound structures in the universe, and could serve as excellent laboratories for studying galaxy evolution and cosmology.

At a distance of about 321 million light ...

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