atherosclerosis susceptibility tagged posts

Gut Microbes influence Platelet function, risk of Thrombosis

Highlights •Elevated TMAO levels predict incident risk for thrombotic events in human subjects •TMAO enhances sub-maximal stimulus-dependent platelet activation •Dietary choline, gut microbes, and TMAO are linked to thrombotic potential in vivo •Microbial transplantation shows that thrombosis potential is a transmissible trait

Highlights •Elevated TMAO levels predict incident risk for thrombotic events in human subjects •TMAO enhances sub-maximal stimulus-dependent platelet activation •Dietary choline, gut microbes, and TMAO are linked to thrombotic potential in vivo •Microbial transplantation shows that thrombosis potential is a transmissible trait

TMAO – gut byproduct of animal-rich diets – encourages over-reactive platelet function, increasing thrombosis risk. In a combination of both clinical studies of over 4,000 patients and animal model studies, Cleveland Clinic researchers have demonstrated – for the first time – that gut microbes alter platelet function and risk of blood clot-related illnesses like heart attack and stroke.

When the nutrient choline –which is abundant in animal products like meat...

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