atrial fibrillation tagged posts

Grocery Store Carts set to help Diagnose common Heart Rhythm Disorder and Prevent Stroke

Supermarket trolleys with ECG sensors can help prevent stroke risk: Study
Supermarket trolleys, equipped with electrocardiogram (ECG) sensors, may help diagnose atrial fibrillation – which can then be treated to prevent disabling or fatal strokes.

It could be the shopping trip that saves your life: supermarket trolleys are helping to diagnose atrial fibrillation which can then be treated to prevent disabling or fatal strokes. The research is presented today at ACNAP 2023, a scientific congress of the European Society of Cardiology (ESC).

“This study shows the potential of taking health checks to the masses without disrupting daily routines,” said study author Professor Ian Jones of Liverpool John Moores University, UK. “Over the course of two months, we identified 39 patients who were unaware that they had atrial fibrillation...

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Alcohol can cause immediate Risk of Atrial Fibrillation, research finds

Study contradicts perception that drinking is ‘cardioprotective’
A single glass of wine can quickly – significantly – raise the drinker’s risk for atrial fibrillation, according to new research by UC San Francisco.

The study provides the first evidence that alcohol consumption substantially increases the chance of the heart rhythm condition occurring within a few hours. The findings might run counter to a prevailing perception that alcohol can be “cardioprotective,” say the authors, suggesting that reducing or avoiding alcohol might help mitigate harmful effects.

The paper is published August 30, 2021 in Annals of Internal Medicine.

“Contrary to a common belief that atrial fibrillation is associated with heavy alcohol consumption, it appears that even one alcohol drink may be ...

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Zebrafish teach Researchers more about Atrial Fibrillation

Stock photo of a zebrafish, which has not been part of the study. Photo: Colourbox
Stock photo of a zebrafish, which has not been part of the study. Photo: Colourbox

Researchers from the Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences have shown a possible link between a genetic variation and the widespread type of cardiac arrhythmia, atrial fibrillation.

The scientists conducted the study in zebrafish, which is a recognised scientific animal model within cardiac research.

Here, researchers from the University of Copenhagen in Denmark and the Max Planck Institute in Germany put special focus on the gene pitx2c. The result came as a surprise to them, says Assistant Professor Pia Lundegaard from the Department of Biomedical Sciences.

‘It seems that we may also have to think of atrial fibrillation as an atrial cardiomyopathy – that is, a challenged heart – rather than...

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Moderate Alcohol use linked to Heart Chamber Damage, Atrial Fibrillation in new study

Wine pouring into a glass

Enjoy a glass of wine with dinner or a nightcap before bed, but don’t count on their heart benefits.

A new study found that even moderate alcohol consumption may change the structure of the heart in ways that increase the risk of atrial fibrillation. “There’s growing evidence that moderate alcohol intake may be a risk factor for atrial fibrillation, the most common heart rhythm disturbance in the world, but the mechanism by which alcohol may lead to atrial fibrillation is unknown,” said Gregory Marcus, MD, endowed professor of atrial fibrillation research at UCSF.

Marcus and colleagues looked at damage to the left atrium of the heart as a possible pathway between alcohol and atrial fibrillation. Atrial fibrillation is a known risk factor for stroke...

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