augmented reality tagged posts

New Photon-Counting Camera captures 3D Images with record Speed and Resolution

Researchers have developed the first megapixel photon-counting camera based on single-photon avalanche diode (SPAD) image sensors. The new camera can capture images in faint light at unprecedented speeds.
Credit: Arianna M. Charbon, Kazuhiro Morimoto, Edoardo Charbon

Researchers have developed the first megapixel photon-counting camera based on new-generation image sensor technology that uses single-photon avalanche diodes (SPADs). The new camera can detect single photons of light at unprecedented speeds, a capability that could advance applications that require fast acquisition of 3D images such as augmented reality and LiDAR systems for autonomous vehicles.

“Thanks to its high resolution and ability to measure depth, this new camera could make virtual reality more realistic and let...

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New Tools to Minimize Risks in shared, Augmented-reality environments

For now, augmented reality remains mostly a solo activity, but soon people might be using the technology in groups for collaborating on work or creative projects.

Security researchers have created ShareAR, a toolkit that lets developers build collaborative and interactive features into AR apps without sacrificing their users’ privacy and security. A few summers ago throngs of people began using the Pokemon Go app, the first mass-market augmented reality game, to collect virtual creatures hiding in the physical world.

For now, AR remains mostly a solo activity, but soon people might be using the technology for a variety of group activities, such as playing multi-user games or collaborating on work or creative projects...

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Eye-Tracking Glasses provide a New Vision for the future of Augmented Reality

Integrating eye tracker into a regular pair of glasses, the system relies on NIR lights and photodiodes for eye tracking and is powered by two thin solar cells on the arms of the glasses. Credit: Photo courtesy of DartNets Lab

Integrating eye tracker into a regular pair of glasses, the system relies on NIR lights and photodiodes for eye tracking and is powered by two thin solar cells on the arms of the glasses.
Credit: Photo courtesy of DartNets Lab

Battery-free eye-tracking glasses developed at Dartmouth College could create an even more realistic experience for augmented reality enthusiasts. The new technology improves player controls for gaming and allows for more accurate image displays.

High power consumption and cost have kept eye trackers out of current augmented reality systems. By using near-infrared lights and photodiodes, Dartmouth’s DartNets Lab has created an energy-efficient, wearable system that tracks rapid eye movements and allows hands-free input of system commands.

The glasses, which can also h...

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Believe the Hype? How Virtual Reality could change your Life

VR is the buzz industry at Asia's largest tech fair, Computex, being held in Taiwan's capital Taipei this week. The island is ho

VR is the buzz industry at Asia’s largest tech fair, Computex, being held in Taiwan’s capital Taipei this week. The island is hoping to become a development hub for virtual reality technology

Reducing errors in surgery, bringing school books to life, enabling us to browse shops from the comfort of home—virtual reality is not just about gaming, it will change our lives, according to some tech leaders. “VR” is the buzz industry at Asia’s largest tech fair, Computex, being held in Taiwan’s capital Taipei this week.

“We know that gaming will be the first wave of revenue and gamers the first wave of consumers, but our vision is larger than gaming,” said Raymond Pao, VP of VR New Technology at Taiwanese smartphone maker HTC, which recently released its first VR headset: Vive...

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